Drum lessons
Do you want to be able to play the drums in a band? Do you want to achieve promising results, all in a short period of time?
With the effective lesson & method plan I have developed, we will get you there together. Whether you’re maybe just thinking about getting started with the drums, just started playing, or have been playing for years, I can assure you that you’ve come to the right place.
Simply because I care about my students. I will be there every step of the way to help you achieve your goals.
Are you wondering how to even get started with drumming, or are you finding it difficult to play the way you want to?
I can tell you, I’ve been there myself. I felt like I had hit a roadblock as I just wasn’t making any progress, which naturally drained me of my motivation and made me think that I would never be able to play as well as my idols.
The tide turned though when I took the step and actually started looking for help. I contacted a well-known drum teacher whom I’d heard good things about.He could immediately notice what I was doing wrong, gave me great feedback and through this he inspired me to reach the goals I had set up for myself.I was surprised at what a difference it made to finally be taught the correct exercices with the correct technique by an experienced drum tutor.
So here I am, a couple of years and tours later, finding myself wanting to teach. I have learned during this time what teaching methods are the most effective, and I am set on giving my students the right help in order for them to achieve their goals.
Imagine being able to play the way you’ve always wanted to.
Imagine being able to play the songs you’ve always listened to.
With me, all focus will lie on what you want to learn, and what you NEED to be able to play the way you want. Whether it’s a question of taking you from being a complete beginner to being able to play the songs you’ve always enjoyed, learning the skills needed to play in a band, or even learning the “language” of improvisation – I have you covered.
The first step will involve discussing what you need help with, how you usually practice and of course what your goals are with your drumming. These three things are of great importance to me.
The first drum lesson is FREE. This is an opportunity for me to assess your strengths and weaknesses. You will be taught new, effective methods, and will be taught the right things the right way, at the right time. You will also be taught how to practice effectively, all in order for you to get the best results in the shortest amount of time. You will find your motivation and find your inspiration to be able to become the drummer you’ve always wanted to be.
I am 27 and have been playing the drums for over 20 years. I attended a high school for music, and continued my education at a college of music in Germany. I have been taking lessons for many years, one of my teachers being Mike Johnston.
I started playing in my first band when I was 6 years old. Currently, I’m involved with the Swedish band Newdrive. We’ve been on tour with groups such as Sum41, Four Year Strong and Millencollin.
I Erik har jag äntligen hittat en lärare som brinner för musiken och som undervisar i ett lugnt och angenämt tempo. Jag kan spela fler ”drum fills”, har blivit bättre med vänster hand och har lärt mig hur jag kan använda ”rudiments” på hela slagverket. Dessutom har han lärt mig alla ”drum rudiments”.
Jag lär mig tusen gånger fortare än på egen hand genom Eriks hjälp. Han är musikalisk bred dessutom är han jättebra på att förklara och vara tydlig i det han gör. Han lärde mig alla grundläggande teknikövningar som jag aldrig skulle kunnat spela förr. Även mina bandmedlemmar har känt av en stor skillnad. Kan bara rekommendera Erik vidare.

Tack vare Erik kan jag äntligen uppnå min dröm att vara så pass bra så jag kan spela trummor i ett band. Har lärt mig många nya småsaker som har gjort att mitt spelande blivit mycket bättre. Han är musikaliskt väldigt bred och har lärt mig allt från Jazz till Metal med doublebassdrum. Jag tror nu äntligen på mig själv igen och mitt eget spelande.